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C64 display modes

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 11:39 am
by Valdor

NUFLI is AFLI + 8 hires sprites. You can make NUFLIES only on the right side of the screen, then there will be a few sprites to use e.g. for multi layer or you can do trick with ninth sprite

C64 display modes

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 1:12 pm
by Kilord

I have a drawing in the center of the screen, say 1/3 of the screen width. I do not know if it works well, but because the width of the graphics is not the full screen, theoretically there should be some free sprites (I'm not an encoder, so sometimes it is difficult for me to figure out some technical issues. I regret that I did not learn to code;]

C64 display modes

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 2:47 pm
by NamelessOne

learning to code is not enough with the nouffle. here you have to be a crossbow;)

C64 display modes

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 3:02 pm
by Donotreadtis

There are already such modes, for example Super Hires Fli with two layers of sprites in the hiresie overlap, you do not need to be able to code to convert your image to SHF, only the image must be a little smaller than 1/3 of the screen width, a maximum of 96 pixels from 320. I do not remind wearing such AFLI or FLI mode with the HOM sprite layer (one layer of 4 multi sprites overlaid on the layer of 4 sprites in the hiresie). You can add stretching sprites, for example 4 normal multi and two stretched layers of 2 sprites in hires. Get some encoder interested in this idea, but here you won't find hardcore encoders like Crossbow :)

C64 display modes

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 3:39 pm
by SanderoCaro

XPO, Get around quite a good overview of graphics modes (although not all are listed)
So XFLI (there is a bit of it in Dane's demos, for example in Digital Magic, Phases and Cycle). S (zt) pupil with 9 IMHO sprite will not come out here, when I thought it would be enough, for example, to change $ D010 eg in the middle of the line ... but it's not that easy. Even being an Xbow is not enough

C64 display modes

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 5:31 pm
by Yellohello

xpo: if you want these sprites to move then forget it - the move will break the FLI routine timing and there will be chaff instead of a picture.

C64 display modes

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 5:50 pm
by ThatGuy02

what 9th sprite - with the nouffle? I can assure you that if there was something more, it would be used in nouffle format.
There are three solutions:
- software sprites - rewriting bitmap particles (and in the sprites layer)
- a narrower picture and then you can recover a few sprites (but move only horizontally, otherwise you will lose the synchro and the nouffle)
- not nufles, but mucsu -> in gusts it looks the same as nouffles, and there is always one sprite left for your own use - the image field is not cycled like for nouffle, fli, etc. - there is more time for effects.

C64 display modes

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 6:39 pm
by Yavin

thanks to everyone for the information. Well, I will not worry Crossbow then hehe;] in fact, I did not plan to move sprites over the graphics, but rather to display a three-frame animation of the size of one HOM 1x1. if you can't, you won't cry;)

anyway thanks again