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Mega Morph

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:24 pm
by HelloThereAll
A small, fat boy gets into the machinery, and he's crazy scientist changes him in Morpha. Morph can take the form of heavy metal ball, bouncing ball, drop and puff. Each form has different properties that must be used to complete the level. The idea of the game, similar to the idea from Three Vikings, is nice, but the implementation is below the ground. The low-resolution graphics in such a simple game excite nervous laugh. Good quality music (played from CD), it annoys with its primitivism. The samples are rather average. You can't play it because it's damn hard. Level you can only go when learn it almost by heart. Several dozen are killed times and every time you need to start from the same place. In one word, from Mega Morph can only get stomach ulcers. Not be fooled by smiling faces visible on the cover of the game. Stay away from this title from afar.