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Fist Fighter

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 1:54 pm
by BigAndSmallHills
boxing championship begins - brutal competition that pushes muscles and tendons to the breaking point, even further. The championships are held in 3 venues: 1. Egypt - scorching sun and pavement of water, hot and barren Central landscape East is a test for the toughest players. 2. Japan - the streets of Tokyo, quite a bit of a road from the usual tourist routes, only a madman will dare to walk here after dark. 3. USA - the edge of a long dusty road, this is a place inhabited by guys with a sinister look and certainly not wimps. You have eight different characters at your disposal. Each of them uses different moves. There is a variant of the game for two people, co is a very successful solution. Graphics nothing is impressive but nonetheless you can relax (if you can with this type of game). I have to say a few more words o manual. As already L.K. AVALON got used to it, it is only four pages long. Nevertheless, there is a lot in it useful stuff. Besides the exact translation of the English options. are located here are brief characteristics of the individual players. It is a pity, however, that the authors did not they tried to describe the individual movements. However, there is a slight improvement In preparation of manual. I am still waiting to appear in Polish originals Detailed operating instructions will begin with much larger pages. I recommend this game to all fanatics sports games. karate freaks in particular. It's definitely not Mortal Kombat, but it does the job. if You are already bored with Body Blows. so try it your strength in Fist FĂ­ghter.
