
Reviews of classig computer games
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Post by Iknownothingatall »

As you know, there is trade and Trade. The former is rather a matter unpleasant street stalls, out-of-date articles, slyness and hunks. So no wonder that a large proportion of Poles get rashes at the slightest mention of healthy trade or the free market. However, one must not forget about the strange sense of the word. Trade After all, it's interesting journeys, huge money and constant changes, that's why also. if you have even a minimal one knowledge of agriculture, international exchange of goods and works art, we invite you to play. You start exactly on January 1 1918. When you're done, it depends only and exclusively from you. The best players can survive even the turbulent period 1939-1945 by drawing 2 supplies profits for the military. The year 1918 and the following years is the period very anxious. These times abound in uprisings, coups and government coups, which are almost in order daytime. Poverty rages, inflation eats up income. There is no one, but certain currency; bonds and stocks become overnight worthless. Banking systems are rusting from scratch. Surprisingly, you are one of the few, you are very lucky. You receive loan proposal in the amount of 50,000 marks, very profitable conditions. The bank you are pretending from to get it, does not bets big requirements - there must be money intended for the development of agriculture and increasing food production. There is no fixed one in the game means of payment. You can rotate brand names, but it is quite a method dangerous. At the end of each month, a list appears showing the dollar exchange rate against the mark, which clearly shows the devaluation of the latter. So in order not to lose, it is worth using either dollars or also share. (Jo are sa stocks? These are the cards, too which you pay and are yours. Value of the data the stock depends mainly on how the business is doing. which issued this action. It is logical that that the value of the stock changes over time. I know from experience that in Vermeer it is most profitable to buy LLOYDA. If you think otherwise, you can purchase one of the three others: STAR, HANSE, ROYAL. The fun is about setting up a plantation, growing the most efficent.

i know that i know nothing at all.
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