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Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 2:48 pm
by Doggeboy0A

There were times when arcade logic games ruled the world. Those were good times Lemmings, Humans and other similar games. Now this species is not enjoying it anymore probably like the players, nor respect among game publishers, because it is difficult to find any game of this type. however, an Amiga company Apex remembered those ideas and released the game Blobz. The version I had the opportunity to meet was intended for the AGA dice. This time they will entertain us not tiny Lemmings, but (although not much bigger) The Blobzs, who instead of walking, as befits a self-respecting hero of the game, move by jumping. Game support is standard - available on the screen, the icons symbolize functions that the player assigns individual creatures. Not it has a limit of used functions, but at the bottom you can find the bar on the screen telling you how many commands TOTAL the player can still spend. it is a very functional solution, albeit not making the game easier. For graphics, although it is not top of Amiga graphics capabilities, you can not have any major reservations, just the same for sound setting. On fortunately, performance does not impair playability. The distribution of levels is not neither strictly defined nor random. In many cases you can choose one of the available paths that you want to follow to get out of what you want the world. Who "got stuck" on some next level Lemmings, this one will bless this idea.