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Cannon Fodder

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 6:47 pm
by HelloThereAll
Cannon Fodder 2 actually replicates what we saw already in the first part. You still command a group of soldiers who must fulfill the goal set before you in a row subsequent missions. Their level of difficulty is however significantly higher than in number one. In some you will even have to demonstrate something like strategic thinking. Plus, you'll find some new places you've never seen before you didn't shoot. So-so Beirut, for example, that requires as much as several missions before you get rid of all enemies. In order to The possibility of introducing a bit of variety to the fun was also introduced use of motor vehicles so far s it only cars, but I'm sure there will be in part three it-already tanks. But I still don't know how much difference can be expect in two. However, I do not think that there were less than last time, already then I counted about 30 of them.
